Client Spotlight: AbbVie’s Loyalty Program Allē Makes The Headlines

For the past five years, Shrine has been proudly partnering with Allergan Data Labs, a division of AbbVie, on the...

For the past five years, Shrine has been proudly partnering with Allergan Data Labs, a division of AbbVie, on the launch and management of their loyalty program, Allē. The success of this program has recently garnered significant attention in the media, with Forbes featuring it in a recent article highlighting the strategic improvements and market trends driving its success.

From Brilliant Distinctions to Allē: A Journey of Transformation

Before Allē, AbbVie operated the Brilliant Distinctions loyalty program. While that was initially successful, it began to face several challenges as it grew. Brilliant Distinctions relied heavily on established third-party platforms, such as Salesforce, to manage customer engagement. While these “big guys” provided a robust foundation at the start, the reliance on such platforms introduced limitations that ultimately impacted the program’s agility and adaptability.

The legacy software underwent continuous updates and patches in an effort to keep up with evolving customer needs. However, this led to a system plagued by quick fixes and shortcuts, resulting in a fragile and increasingly outdated program. The constraints of the legacy platform made it difficult to innovate and respond to market demands effectively, urging for a complete overhaul.

Recognizing the need for a fresh start, Allergan Data Labs turned to Shrine to help transform Brilliant Distinctions into a more dynamic and user-centric program. Through our collaborative efforts, we helped redesign and re-engineer the loyalty platform from the ground up, resulting in the launch of Allē. 

What Made Allē a Success: Key Lessons and Trends

The journey from BD to Allē was not just about technological upgrades—it was about learning from past mistakes to build a stronger, more resilient program. Jasson Gilmore, the program director and Senior VP at Allergan Aesthetics, highlighted a few of the key points implemented when bridging to Allē:

  • Avoiding Over-Reliance on Third-Party Platforms: While building on established platforms like Salesforce provided a quick solution initially, it eventually limited the flexibility needed for long-term growth and innovation. With Allē, the focus shifted to creating a more adaptable and customizable platform that could evolve with changing market dynamics.
  • Eliminating the Pitfalls of Legacy Systems: Continuous updates and patches to the existing software made the program fragile and difficult to manage. The solution was to move away from patchwork and instead build a more stable, scalable foundation that can support future growth and enhancements.

Embracing Loyalty Programs Trends: What Sets Allē Apart

Allē has been built with a forward-thinking approach that aligns with several key trends in the loyalty space, making it stand out:

  • Focus on Customer Journey: Unlike traditional programs that focus primarily on the point of sale or checkout, Allē emphasizes engagement throughout the customer journey. This shift ensures that customers feel valued at every touchpoint, fostering deeper relationships and greater loyalty.
  • Experience Mindset: Today’s consumers crave memorable experiences over mere transactions. Allē’s strategy reflects this shift by offering exclusive events, personalized rewards, and curated experiences that resonate with customers’ lifestyles and preferences. This experiential approach has proven to enhance customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Referrals Done Right: Understanding the power of word-of-mouth and social proof, Allē encourages referrals and social sharing. This strategy not only brings in new customers but also reinforces the loyalty of existing ones. By leveraging social media effectively, AbbVie has created a community around their brand, which is a powerful driver of loyalty.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: A successful loyalty program is rooted in understanding what customers want. Allē leverages extensive market research to continually refine its offerings and tailor its rewards to meet the evolving needs of its members. This customer-centric approach ensures that the program remains relevant and engaging.

Proud to Be Part of Allē’s Success

At Shrine, we are proud to have played our role in the transformation of AbbVie’s loyalty program. By embracing innovation, learning from past challenges, and staying ahead of industry trends, AbbVie has set a new standard for customer engagement and loyalty in the healthcare space.

If you’re looking to launch, revamp, or build a new loyalty platform that drives results, we’re here to help. Schedule a free strategy session and learn how we can work together to achieve your business goals.
